Why Local SEO Is Important for Small Business Websites

Read all about why local SEO is important for small business websites and how you can use it to increase your local search engine rankings.

Why Local SEO Is Important for Small Business Websites

Many small local businesses struggle to establish a long-lasting online presence. Not only do they have to compete with larger enterprises that operate in several locations, but they also have to look out for other small businesses in their industry. As a small business owner, you have various digital marketing tools at your disposal, but one of the most effective ones is local SEO.

This article examines why local SEO is important for small business websites. We'll also talk about how you can use local SEO to your advantage and put your local business on the digital map.

🤔 Why Your Business Needs Local SEO

Before we dive into why your business needs local SEO, let's quickly go over what local SEO is all about.

Local search engine optimisation (SEO) refers to the process of optimising your website for a specific location, whether it's a country, region, or city. It's a bridge between your business and local customers searching for products or services in the same area. In other words, local SEO optimises your website for local search results on major search engines.

Local businesses need local SEO so they can stand out from their competition, as it gives them a much-needed visibility boost on Google and other search engines. It involves optimising website content with local keywords that help the site appear more prominently in local searches.

For instance, a local spa centre can target keywords such as "massages Sydney," "massages near me," and "spa Sydney" and implement those keywords throughout their website. When local customers type in those keywords on Google Search, they will come across the optimised website at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs).

There are various other ways to use local SEO efforts to increase your local rankings, but we'll get to that later.

🤷 What Kind Of Small Businesses Can Benefit From Local SEO

Local SEO can be beneficial to almost all types of small businesses looking to build an online presence. It doesn't only apply to small businesses that have a physical store where potential customers can visit them and make a purchase. 

These are some of the most common types of small businesses that need local SEO:

  1. Brick-and-mortar stores: Small businesses that have a physical store or office, such as restaurants, retail shops, and grocery stores, can benefit from local SEO to attract more foot traffic and increase online visibility in their local area.
  2. Healthcare providers: Local medical and healthcare practices such as clinics, hospitals, dentists, and optometrists can use local SEO to reach potential patients.
  3. Home services: Local SEO can help businesses that offer home services, such as landscapers, cleaners, and repair services, broaden their customer base.
  4. Professional services: Law firms, accounting firms, and other professional services can find new clients in need of such services.
  5. Tourism and hospitality: Hotels, vacation rentals, and tourist attractions can use various SEO tools to be more visible to travellers visiting their geographic region.
  6. Online businesses: Online businesses that offer local products or services to a local community can also reap the benefits of local SEO.

💪 Benefits Of Local SEO For Small Businesses

A good local SEO strategy can do more than help a local business thrive. With the use of the right tools and tactics, you can increase the chances of business success in a short period of time.

These are some of the most important local SEO benefits:

  • New customers: By implementing various local SEO strategies, your small business will start to attract more local customers.
  • Repeat customers: Not only can local SEO help you gain more customers, but you can also use it to build strong relationships with your old customers.
  • Brand awareness: Ranking high on Google Search will increase your online presence and connect you to local consumers who might not have otherwise heard about your small business.
  • Higher conversion rates: The more users visit your website, the better chances you have of converting them into paying customers.
  • Increased foot traffic: Small businesses can use local SEO to attract more customers to the business's physical location, which is especially important for service-based businesses like restaurants and cafés.
  • Competitive advantage: A local SEO strategy boosts your ranking in search results, which gives you an edge over other businesses in your industry. 
  • Effective marketing: Local SEO provides an effective and cost-efficient marketing strategy that allows businesses to increase visibility on search engines.

📃 Ranking Factors For Local SEO

Google uses various ranking factors to index web pages and put them on search engine results pages (SERPs). In other words, local SEO ranking factors can determine how well a website will perform on search engines.

The following ranking factors should be taken into account when optimising your websites for local searches:

  1. Relevance: Websites should create relevant content that matches user queries. This helps Google recognise the site's value regarding the searched topic.
  2. Credibility: A website must demonstrate credibility by gathering quality backlinks from authoritative resources and positive reviews on social media platforms and review sites.
  3. Location: Including location-specific keywords that contain the city name, region, state, or country increases website relevance for users searching with those terms. Sites must also have their physical address listed so that Google knows where the business is located.
  4. Proximity: The closer a customer is to a business, the more likely they are to visit it, which is why proximity plays an important role in search engine rankings.
  5. Mobile-friendliness: Optimising your website for mobile devices improves user experience, which is one of the most important Google ranking factors.
  6. User engagement: Various user engagement metrics, such as time on site and pages per session, help Google understand how users interact with your website and whether they're satisfied with their browsing experience.

📍 Local SEO Tips For Small Businesses

There are numerous ways to ensure that your website is optimised for local customers. A successful strategy will drive targeted traffic to your website and increase your local search results.

If you want to improve your local SEO strategy, these practical tips can help you:

  • Claim and optimise your Google My Business listing (or Google Business Profile) and tag your location on Google Maps.
  • Create multiple business listings on online business directories, such as Yelp, Yellow Pages, Bing Places, etc.
  • Make sure your NAP information (business name, address, and phone number) and other relevant business information are consistent and up-to-date across all online directories.
  • Write high-quality geo-targeted blog content that will add value to your website and keep your local audience informed.
  • Do keyword research and target local keywords in various parts of your websites.
  • Employ link-building strategies and gather quality backlinks that lead back to your own website.
  • Engage with your customers and promptly respond to their questions, online reviews, and feedback. This will build long-lasting relationships and result in repeat customers.
  • Keep track of your SEO efforts and use different analytics tools to monitor your strategy and make any necessary improvements.

Even if you come up with an effective SEO strategy, keep in mind that SEO results take time. You likely won't be able to see a difference in website traffic until at least a few months have passed.

🚀 The Importance of Local SEO for Small Businesses

Local SEO helps businesses promote their products or services to a local audience when that business appears on the first page of local search results. Every good content marketing strategy should include local SEO, as it can help increase visibility, generate leads, and drive conversions.

If you're a small business owner who needs help building an online presence within a local community, RankRise can help you reach maximum exposure. We're a digital marketing company specialising in local SEO services, and we have experience with businesses in different industries. If you would like to know more about our SEO services, feel free to reach out to us

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Tijana Abadic
Tijana Abadic

Tijana is a content writer with three years of experience working for digital marketing firms and creating informative and engaging content for diverse industries. As a content strategist at RankRise, she specialises in writing and editing long-form content that reflects the brand and drives results.

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How much does it cost to hire you for a web design project?
How much does it cost to hire you for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)?

The cost of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) services depends on the complexity and scope of the project. The cost is generally higher if your industry is more competitive, or if you would prefer to see results faster. The price starts at $150 per month to target the location near your physical location, to $1,600 per month for a campaign with a broader reach. Our team provides customised quotes based on your individual needs, so contact us to discuss them in more detail.

What separates RankRise from other web design agencies?

Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to distinguish between different web design agencies without knowledge in the field. The flaws don't  show on the surface, hence the vast disparity between development costs.

Oftentimes, cheaper websites will be made using templates, with minimal customisation options available outside of colours, text and images. Most templates aren't made with speed or optimisation in mind, they're designed to look as attractive as they can to their customers.

With a RankRise website, you won't need to remake your website. You'll be able to focus on growing your business, knowing that your website isn't holding you back.

Do you guarantee SEO results?

If you've hired us to run your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) campaign, then yes!

If we don't see any results within a few months we pause any payments and work for free until we see the results we were hoping for.

How long does it take for you to complete a website?

We expect to finish 90% of projects in 4-6 weeks. It can take longer depending on the size of the website and the responsiveness of the clients.

Do you offer training?

Yes! We'll make sure you know exactly how to edit your website.