The SEO Benefits of Blogging: Why Are Blogs Good for SEO?

Discover why blogs are important for SEO success. Learn how they boost visibility, improve rankings, and drive organic traffic in just a few steps.

The SEO Benefits of Blogging: Why Are Blogs Good for SEO?

It's becoming clear just how important SEO is for businesses. But people still seem to underestimate the power of blogging.

Did you know that businesses that blog see 55% more traffic than those that don't?

As we all know, search engine optimisation (SEO) is an integral part of building an online presence. And it's your blog that's the key to achieving your SEO goals.

Your blog gives you space for informative articles relevant to your target audience. This is a foolproof way of boosting your search engine rankings. That is, if you do it right.

If you're wondering, "Why are blogs good for SEO?" this article is for you. 

We'll discuss why blogging is important for SEO. We'll also give you some great tips on optimising your blog for SEO.

💭 Why Are Blogs Important for SEO?

In today's online world, there is no digital marketing without blogging. 

Posting a new blog post every few days is a proven content marketing strategy. It can do wonders for virtually any business with an online presence. 

Technically speaking, you can write blog posts daily and reap the benefits.

Just make sure your blog posts cover topics in your niche and are relevant to your target audience.

Let's take a closer look at why blogs are important for SEO:

  1. Higher search engine rankings

Blogging can improve your website's ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).

  1. More traffic

Higher rankings on search engines will drive more organic traffic to your site. In fact, businesses with blogs get 67% more leads monthly than companies that don't blog.

  1. Strong online presence

Building brand awareness makes it easier for potential clients to find you. This improves your chances of getting new customers.

  1. Increased conversion rate

Greater online visibility leads to an increased conversion rate and more sales. This can be the fastest way to grow your online business.

  1. Earned credibility

Blogs allow businesses to establish thought leadership. They can do this by posting valuable business-related content.

  1. Better customer engagement

Regularly updated content keeps customers engaged. This results in repeat visitors and long-lasting relationships with your customers.

  1. Competitive advantage

Posting SEO-optimised blog articles will give your business an edge over your competitors.

An infographic showing the SEO benefits of blogging

⌨️ How to Optimise Blog Posts for SEO

Now that you understand why blogging is important for SEO, let's move on to how you can optimise your blog for SEO. 

A well-crafted blog post has the potential to drive qualified traffic to your website.

Search engines use various ranking factors to determine your site's relevance and authority. 

The most common ranking factors include:

  • User experience
  • High-quality content
  • Domain authority and age
  • On-page optimisation
  • Backlinks
  • Technical SEO
  • User engagement metrics

To make sure all these factors work in your favour, you must develop a powerful blog strategy.

Every strong blog strategy should contain the following elements:

  1. Quality content
  2. Keyword research
  3. Linking
  4. Page speed
  5. Mobile optimisation
  6. Audio and video content
  7. Tracking and analytics
An infographic showing the key elements of an SEO blog strategy

✍️ Quality Content

Your content should be the foundation of your blog strategy. It needs to be engaging, relevant, and accurate. 

Always consider the user's search intent. This will help you brainstorm ideas when creating content for blog posts. 

We can't overstate the value of quality content when it comes to SEO.

Note that your landing pages, product pages, and home page should rarely change. But you can update your blog on a regular basis.

Providing fresh content is key. It's not only important for your readers, but search engines as well. Google and other search engines prioritise high-quality content. 

Adding valuable information and researching the topics you cover will help you:

  • Show your knowledge of the topic
  • Establish thought leadership
  • Build long-lasting connections with your customers

Make sure to post content related to your brand. In other words, it has to somehow be connected to your products/services.

For instance, let's say you run an interior design business. Your blog topics can range from:

  • Trending interior design styles
  • Room makeovers
  • Colour psychology
  • How-to guides
  • Fun ideas for room décor 

High-value content can also attract links from other websites. This is a crucial ranking factor for search engines.

 🔎 Keyword Research

You can't create content until you conduct keyword research. Keywords play a decisive role in optimising your website for organic search results. 

You should use different types of keywords in your content, including:

  1. Short-tail keywords
  2. Long-tail keywords
  3. Keyword phrases 

Using relevant keywords through blogging leads to more organic traffic. It also results in higher rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs). 

The keywords you add to your blog post should match users' search queries. 

That's why you should take long-tail keyword research seriously. It helps you figure out who your target audience is and what they're searching for online.

Identifying target keywords is the first step. Using those keywords strategically is the second. 

You can insert certain keywords in the following parts of your blog:

When it comes to keyword frequency, the more keywords you use, the better. But it's very important to make them sound natural. 

An infographic showing where to add keywords to your blog

Avoid keyword stuffing. Using the same keywords too often doesn't read well. It also makes search engines view your content as spam. 

You could also face penalties. Google and other search engines may even remove your site from the search results.

🔗 Linking

There are three types of links you can use in your blog posts:

  1. Internal links
  2. External links (outbound links)
  3. Backlinks (inbound links)
An infographic showing the types of links in blog posts

Internal Links

Internal linking refers to the process of adding links that lead to other pages on your website. 

They serve two purposes. 

They allow people reading your blog to visit more pages or posts that might interest them. In other words, they help visitors navigate through your website.

Internal links also show Google how pages relate to each other within your website. 

This is achieved through a process known as indexing or crawling. It's how search engines locate new and updated content.

Google crawler bots are responsible for this. They scan your web pages to index them and position them in relevant search results.

You can add internal links anywhere on your website. But blog content is the perfect place to incorporate them. 

External Links

External links are just as important for your blog strategy as internal links. 

They're also known as outbound links. 

Outbound links lead from your website to another website. They're usually used for citing resources and linking to authority websites. 

Adding outbound links makes your blog posts more trustworthy. These links signal to search engines that your site is credible.


Inbound links are links on other websites that bring the user to your website. They're also known as backlinks.

Here are some of the most popular strategies for attaining backlinks:

  • Content marketing
  • Guest blogging
  • Email outreach
  • Broken link building
  • PR efforts
  • Unlinked mentions
  • Social media

Gathering backlinks works through a process called link building. 

Backlinking helps increase online visibility and improves site credibility. They can also add value to your blog posts. 

The more high-quality inbound links a blog post has, the higher it will rank on search engine results.

🏁 Page Speed

You can also optimise your blog for page speed

Page speed is another essential ranking factor. Search engines value page speed, which directly impacts user experience. 

In simple terms, page speed refers to how fast a web page loads.

If your blog post loads too slowly, the user will leave the page. They will usually leave before viewing the content or taking action. 

Search engines might not index the content of slow-loading pages. It can even lead to a lower conversion rate.

Page speed directly affects a web page's dwell time and bounce rate. These two are critical metrics used for estimating user engagement.

Ideally, you'll want a long dwell time and a low bounce rate.

There are many steps you can take to improve your site's page speed, including:

  • Checking your website for malware
  • Using quality WordPress plugins
  • Minimising image sizes
  • Reducing the number of HTTP requests
  • Using caching and content delivery networks (CDNs)
  • Hiring a professional web developer to fix any issues

📞 Mobile Optimisation

Page speed is directly tied to mobile optimisation. 

Today, most people search for something online on their mobile phones. That's why you need to keep mobile-friendliness in mind when blogging. 

Many of your SEO efforts can be useless if your blog isn't optimised for mobile devices.

Google wants to make sure all its users have a satisfactory browsing experience. This applies to desktops and mobile devices. 

If your blog isn't mobile-friendly, it will affect your site's performance. But if it is, Google will rank it higher on search engine results pages.

Here are some fantastic ways you can make your blog mobile-friendly:

  1. Optimise your site for page speed.
  2. Choose a simple layout that can easily adapt to different screen sizes.
  3. Compress images to make them load faster. This will also improve download speed.
  4. Improve navigation by adding drop-down menus and avoiding pop-up messages.
  5. Take advantage of white space and avoid adding too much text.
  6. Adjust the font and the size of the text to the screen size.
  7. Test the website on mobile devices regularly.

🎥 Audio and Video Content

Images and videos should be an integral part of every blog post.

When you add visual elements to your blog, make sure to optimise them for SEO. 

You should only use high-quality audio and video content related to your blog posts. Doing so helps Google and other search engines better understand what your site is about.

You can also use descriptive captions. They're a great way to add context and include relevant keywords. 

More specifically, you can add keywords in the:

  1. File name
  2. Title tag
  3. Caption
  4. Alt text

Aside from blogs, you can also add visuals to landing pages, product pages, and other pages on your website.

There are various types of visuals at your disposal. For example:

  • Screenshots
  • Infographics
  • Quotes
  • Diagrams
  • Banners
  • Video tutorials
  • Illustrations 

When combined, these visuals can make your site look more professional.

An infographic showing what types of visuals to add to your blog posts

📊 Tracking and Analytics

Keeping track of your blogging efforts is very important. It helps you figure out if your SEO strategy is performing well. 

Various tracking tools can help you estimate metrics like:

  1. Conversion rate
  2. Organic traffic
  3. Keyword rankings
  4. Domain authority
  5. Click-through rate

You can also install analytics tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. 

They can improve your page's indexing. Both are free and can be used to measure site performance.

Other tools like SEMRush, Moz, and Ahrefs are more comprehensive. They can measure your SEO performance in different ways.

These metrics can give insight into your customers' interests, needs, and preferences. 

It will help you understand what people want from your business. With this info, you can work towards designing better products and services. 

❓ Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should You Post on Your Blog?

Even if you create amazing content, it won't make a difference if you don't post regularly. 

Providing your audience with fresh content a few times a week is very important in this situation. 

Updating your blog at least two times a week will show you are active. It will also keep people coming back for new information.

How Can You Promote Your Blog for SEO?

Promoting your blog is a great way to improve online visibility and gain traction. 

You can do so by:

  • Using social media channels
  • Taking advantage of guest blogging
  • Creating excellent content people will want to revisit

It's also a good idea to reach out to influencers with large followings on popular platforms. This will give you the exposure you need to promote your blog.

Should I Hire Someone to Write Blog Posts for Me?

Not all businesses have the time or resources to write blog posts. They also might not know how to keep up with changes in search engine algorithms. 

Most businesses outsource content writers and SEO specialists through SEO agencies. 

But you will need to find a reliable SEO agency that will meet all your needs, like RankRise.

📝 Start Writing Today

Blogging has become a well-known SEO strategy. It helps increase SEO efforts and improve online visibility.

It's important for businesses to create relevant and fresh content. Doing so will boost their ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).

RankRise is here to help you develop the perfect blog strategy. We will help you come up with amazing content for your website. 

Our goal is to help you grow your business and attract new customers. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions. 

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Tijana Abadic
Tijana Abadic

Tijana is a content writer with three years of experience working for digital marketing firms and creating informative and engaging content for diverse industries. As a content strategist at RankRise, she specialises in writing and editing long-form content that reflects the brand and drives results.

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Ready to Rise?

Let's chat. No strings, no BS, just a convo about how we can help your business climb those rankings.

How quickly can I expect to see changes to my online presence?

It varies based on the services you need. Website changes can be immediate, while improvements in online visibility often take 4 to 12 months to really show. We're in it for the long haul with you.

Can you guarantee specific results?

We don't make blanket guarantees because every business is different. What we do promise is our unwavering commitment to improving your online presence using proven strategies.

What makes you different from other agencies?

We offer a holistic approach. We don't just build websites or focus solely on rankings - we create comprehensive strategies that cover all bases, from design to visibility to conversion.

How much does this cost?

Let's talk about your goals first. Our pricing is based on what you actually need, not a one-size-fits-all package.

Can't I just DIY this stuff?

Sure, if you've got years to spare. We've spent years honing our skills and staying on top of the latest digital trends. We're here to apply that expertise to your business, saving you time and potential headaches.

How do you measure success?

We track a range of metrics including page views, clicks, and rankings. But more importantly, we focus on how these translate into real business outcomes for you.

Do you work with small businesses or just big corporations?

We love working with businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a local shop or a growing corporation, we've got strategies to help you succeed online.

How involved do I need to be in the process?

As much or as little as you like. We're happy to take the reins, but we also enjoy collaborating closely with clients who want to be part of the journey.

What if I'm not satisfied with the service?

For our website services, we offer monthly plans where you can opt out at any time without cancellation fees. For SEO campaigns, if we don't see significant changes after 12 months, we'll provide up to 6 months of additional work at no extra cost.