Top 10 Reasons for SEO for Your Business

If you’re wondering whether you should invest in an SEO strategy, this article will give you the top 10 reasons for SEO for your business. ‍

Top 10 Reasons for SEO for Your Business

Following the accelerated development of the virtual landscape, search engine optimisation (SEO) has become the backbone of digital marketing. While there are many reasons for SEO, businesses that employ search engine marketing tactics have the same goal: to increase their online visibility and drive traffic to their website. By doing so, they can rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs), opening doors for new customers.

This article will explore the 10 most important reasons businesses should consider investing in SEO. We'll also discuss how to get the most out of your SEO strategy and put your online business on the map.

Why SEO Is Important - A Quick Review

In today's fast-paced world, we heavily rely on search engines like Google to find something we're looking for. Most of us don't have the time or the patience to go through the entire first page of search results. Instead, we usually only click on the first few websites that appear on top of Google.

That's why SEO is such a powerful digital marketing tool. The higher a website appears on Google search results, the more people will see it and the more likely it will be visited. The increasing chances of website visitors can then be converted into paying customers. If you implement SEO tactics the right way, you can boost website traffic and increase customer engagement both online and offline.

Most importantly, through search engine optimisation, your website will start to appear in organic search results. With effective SEO techniques, such as conducting keyword research, building links, and creating high-quality content, your website will be positioned higher in search engine rankings.

How Does SEO Work?

Before we dive into the most important SEO reasons, let's quickly go over the process of optimising your website for SEO.

To understand the importance of SEO, you need to be familiar with how search engines work. The connection between SEO and search engines rests on three basic steps:

  1. Crawling: Web crawlers or spiders search for new pages and extract key information. They also check old pages to see if there have been any changes or updates.
  2. Indexing: The gathered information is processed and added to the search index. Only pages with quality, unique content are inserted into this database.
  3. Ranking: Google and other search engines rank your website based on various factors. There are over 200 ranking factors that can determine where your website will appear on search engine results pages (SERPs).

This is where SEO comes in. The more you optimise your website for SEO, the higher chances of it ranking in search engine results. Some of the most relevant Google ranking factors include backlinks, site speed, keyword presence, language, location, mobile-friendliness, web hosting, content recency, bounce rate, etc. All of these ranking factors fall into the three pillars of SEO:

  • Technical SEO
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO

Why You Need SEO for Your Business

In the eyes of internet users, a business doesn't exist if it doesn't have a website. While this is a widely-accepted notion, having a website isn't enough in today's modern age. Your website also must be optimised for SEO.

Search engine optimisation can help any business grow, whether it's a non-profit organisation or a small local retail shop. Given the cut-throat competition in every industry, having a strong online presence is of the utmost importance.

Here are the top 10 reasons why you need SEO for your business:

  1. Brand awareness and online presence
  2. Increased website traffic
  3. Higher conversion rate and engagement
  4. Enhanced user experience
  5. Improved website performance
  6. Building trust and credibility
  7. Increased local visibility
  8. Competitive advantage
  9. Cost-effective marketing
  10. Long-term benefits

As you can see, the benefits of a successful SEO strategy are multifaceted. Most of all, SEO efforts help create a strong digital foundation that businesses can use to leverage opportunities available within the virtual space.

Brand Awareness and Online Presence

There are over 1.88 billion websites on the internet, and that number will only keep growing. You might think that your website can't possibly stand out among so many others, but with proper SEO and content marketing efforts, it can be achieved.

There are various ways to build brand awareness and improve your online visibility through SEO. You can write blog posts and create content optimised for target keywords, which you can then promote on your social media channels. Your content should be engaging, relevant, and related to the products and services you offer. It should also answer customers' search queries in a way that meets their needs.

A greater online presence can help you find your target audience. Unlike other marketing strategies that may concentrate on a defined target audience, SEO can help you attract customers that match your search intent at any moment. In other words, it can bring customers who didn't know your business existed until they searched for relevant keywords related to your site.

By ranking high on search results, your website will become more visible to potential customers, bringing more traffic to your website. Another reason why your business needs SEO is that increased brand awareness can make you stand out as a leader in your industry, resulting in increased brand loyalty and repeat visitors.

Increased Website Traffic

By implementing a long-term strategy, SEO helps drive qualified traffic to your website. A good SEO strategy can include careful keyword research, content creation, optimised meta-tags, improved website structure, and other SEO tactics. Using these techniques, businesses can increase their visibility on major search engines such as Google or Bing.

This process is often called organic SEO or natural SEO, and it helps improve a webpage's ranking within search results. When done correctly, SEO can result in increased visibility and targeted organic traffic. Organic traffic refers to visitors who come to your site by typing keywords into search engines, and it's the opposite of paid traffic.

The reason organic search is so important is that it attracts customers to your site without you having to pay for sponsored ads. Even though organic traffic isn't Google's ranking factor, users find organically optimised websites more credible and valuable than sponsored ones.

You also have the option to combine organic SEO and pay-per-click (PPC) ad campaigns for faster results. Google AdWords and other PPC advertising tools can help you promote your business and increase traffic coming to your website by making your site appear at the top of search results. It's even possible to use SEO to maximise your PPC campaigns.

Higher Conversion Rate and Engagement

Every SEO strategy aims to bring new customers to your website, which leads to more qualified leads coming through the sales funnel. One of the most essential aspects of SEO is the conversion rate - the percentage of users who complete a desired action on your website. Your website's conversion rate is a key indicator of your SEO campaign's success.

It involves analysing website performance and user demographics to identify areas of improvement to increase sales or lead generation. A higher conversion rate means more people are taking one or more desired actions on different web pages. This can include:

  • Making a purchase
  • Creating an account
  • Filling out a form
  • Signing up for a newsletter
  • Clicking on an add
  • Subscribing to a channel
  • Downloading a file

As you can see, conversion rate and customer engagement go hand-in-hand. Loyal customers who keep returning to your business considerably affect the website's conversion rate. Those users spend more time on your website, which translates to high-qualified traffic and a positive user experience.

That's why user experience should be your top priority if you want to improve your conversion rate.

Enhanced User Experience

The digital experience is tailored to the user, which is why user experience has become one of the most important aspects of a good SEO strategy. In fact, one of the main reasons why your business needs SEO is because user experience is one of Google's most important ranking factors. If someone clicks on your web page and doesn't find what they're looking for, they will instantly return to the search results, and Google will know your website offers a poor user experience.

The best way to maximise user experience is by determining what your target audience wants. Here are different ways you can use SEO to improve user experience on your website:

  • Create quality content that is valuable and engaging to your target audience
  • Optimise page loading speed for the best browsing experience
  • Make sure your website is easy to navigate, and users can quickly find what they're looking for
  • Use external and internal links to improve credibility
  • Ensure your website is optimised for mobile devices
  • Enhance content readability by writing content that's easy to understand
  • Monitor how long users stay on your website and whether they take a desired action
  • Review customer feedback and reply to their questions and comments

Not only will these SEO efforts have an impact on your current customer base, but they could also open doors for new potential customers.

Improved Website Performance

Website performance refers to how quickly a website loads when someone clicks on it. Ideally, you will want your website to load as quickly as possible. Websites that load within the first three seconds are more valued by Google, and they receive more traffic.

Website performance consists of the following factors:

  1. Site speed: How fast a page loads directly impacts user experience, which can result in a poor conversion rate and reduced revenue.
  2. Web design: Users are more likely to return to a website that's easy to navigate, where they can find everything they're looking for.
  3. Availability: If possible, reduce downtime and any errors to a minimum. Seeing a web page isn't available will deter users from returning to your website.
  4. Responsiveness: How fast a web page responds to interactions, such as clicking on a button or scrolling, can also have an effect on the user's browsing experience.
  5. Interactivity: You want your website to be as interactive and fun to use as possible. Adding interesting elements and fun designs will lead to a positive user experience, which results in more customers and more traffic.

Website performance is also crucial when it comes to mobile-friendliness, where all of these rules apply. You'll want the mobile version of your website to be as responsive and fast-loading as the desktop version.

Building Trust and Credibility

One of the most noteworthy reasons for SEO is the ability to position yourself as an expert in your field. By establishing authority and appearing on the first page of search results, you also build trust among your customers.

While there are many ways to keep customers engaged, one of the best methods is posting up-to-date content. This includes posting blog posts and updating your web pages on a regular basis. In addition, the content you post must be factually correct and related to your business.

Google will think your website is more credible if it contains a lot of links. There are three types of links you can implement into your website:

  1. Internal links: links that take you to other web pages on your website
  2. External links: links on your website to authority sites and resources
  3. Backlinks: links from other websites that take the user to your website

Link building is an important Google ranking factor that helps this search engine determine how to index your website on search results.

It’s also a good idea to interact with your users as much as possible. Adding a comment section, contact pages, and Google Maps will make it easier for your customers to get in touch with you.

Increased Local Visibility

SEO is especially important for local businesses that rely on local customers. This is otherwise known as local SEO, which refers to the process of optimising your website for local search results. Local SEO targets a specific group of customers within a geographic region, such as a city or country.

Local SEO is similar to regular SEO, but it requires coming up with an SEO strategy that will make you more visible to people actively searching for services or products in the same area. To do this, optimise your website around keyword searches such as "near me" and "product/service in city/region." Other local SEO strategies include:

  • Creating a Google My Business account
  • Coming up with local content
  • Building local citations from authority websites
  • Researching your target audience and understanding their needs and preferences
  • Setting up local listings on online directories
  • Monitoring local reviews and keeping up with local SEO trends

When users search for a product on Google, local SEO helps position your website on top of search results. Local SEO isn't only vital for businesses that offer a service online but for brick-and-mortar stores as well because it leads to increased foot traffic.

Competitive Advantage

There isn't a single industry out there that isn't competitive, which is why businesses must constantly innovate, adapt, and differentiate themselves in order to remain relevant and successful. This is one of the reasons SEO is important - it gives you a leg up in the competition.

There are various leverage tools you can use to monitor your competitors' SEO strategies, including Moz, Ahrefs, and SEMrush. These websites give you insight into what keywords, backlinks, and strategies other websites are using.

You can also use Google Analytics to scout for target keywords, which will also give you a lot of information about your customer base. Instead of targeting competitive keywords, you should find out which keywords are the most effective in your industry and then implement them into your website strategically.

Another method for staying ahead of your competitors includes constantly looking out for new SEO trends and changes made by search engine algorithms. The SEO landscape is ever-changing, as well as the needs and preferences of your target audience. Keeping up with these trends will lock your place on search engine results pages.

Cost-Effective Marketing

SEO is one of the most cost-effective ways to build brand awareness and grow your online presence. In fact, SEO services are much less costly compared to other online marketing strategies, which is excellent news if you have a tight marketing budget.

Even if you decide to hire an SEO agency, you can expect low startup costs since there is no need to invest in expensive equipment or pay for costly campaigns upfront. In addition, most marketing companies offer flexible payment models such as hourly rates or flat fees based on the scope of the project. This allows small business owners to compete with other businesses in the industry without breaking the bank.

Unlike paid ads, which stop generating results when they expire, SEO will keep bringing results over time. As businesses climb higher on search engine rankings, they become more visible to their target audience, which can result in increased web traffic and leads.

Apart from the fact that SEO doesn't have to cost anything, it will provide you with an impressive return on investment (ROI). Even though it will take some time before you start to see results, it will pay off in the long term. Boosted web traffic and conversion rate lead to increased revenue, which directly translates to ROI.

Long-Term Benefits

What's also great about SEO is that it doesn't have an expiration date. Google's crawl bots are searching for new content all the time, promoting websites that check all of Google's boxes. In other words, if you invest in a good SEO strategy, you can have ongoing benefits. Websites that implement SEO tactics can see exponential growth over time.

When you manage to rank high in search results, you can make sure your website will stay there for some time. These spots tend to remain unchanged over time unless significant changes occur within the industry or competitors significantly outrank you. SEO can therefore yield long-term results as opposed to short-lived "quick fixes" like paid ads.

A long-term presence also includes building a loyal customer base. Once you gather enough repeat customers, you will know your SEO strategy is starting to pay off.

Final Thoughts

An SEO strategy isn't only one digital marketing technique, but a group of tactics and tools that can start a chain of events, eventually leading to more customers and higher search engine results. With this in mind, investing time and resources into a proper SEO strategy is worth the effort as it allows companies to maximise their organic reach and establish themselves as leaders within their respective industries.

If you want your business to thrive, but you don't know where to start with SEO, RankRise can help you. We're a digital marketing and SEO company that helps businesses grow. The content we come up with will engage your customers and leave them wanting more. If you have any questions about our SEO services, don't hesitate to reach out to us

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Tijana Abadic
Tijana Abadic

Tijana is a content writer with three years of experience working for digital marketing firms and creating informative and engaging content for diverse industries. As a content strategist at RankRise, she specialises in writing and editing long-form content that reflects the brand and drives results.

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How much does it cost to hire you for a web design project?
How much does it cost to hire you for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)?

The cost of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) services depends on the complexity and scope of the project. The cost is generally higher if your industry is more competitive, or if you would prefer to see results faster. The price starts at $150 per month to target the location near your physical location, to $1,600 per month for a campaign with a broader reach. Our team provides customised quotes based on your individual needs, so contact us to discuss them in more detail.

What separates RankRise from other web design agencies?

Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to distinguish between different web design agencies without knowledge in the field. The flaws don't  show on the surface, hence the vast disparity between development costs.

Oftentimes, cheaper websites will be made using templates, with minimal customisation options available outside of colours, text and images. Most templates aren't made with speed or optimisation in mind, they're designed to look as attractive as they can to their customers.

With a RankRise website, you won't need to remake your website. You'll be able to focus on growing your business, knowing that your website isn't holding you back.

Do you guarantee SEO results?

If you've hired us to run your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) campaign, then yes!

If we don't see any results within a few months we pause any payments and work for free until we see the results we were hoping for.

How long does it take for you to complete a website?

We expect to finish 90% of projects in 4-6 weeks. It can take longer depending on the size of the website and the responsiveness of the clients.

Do you offer training?

Yes! We'll make sure you know exactly how to edit your website.